Provisioning > Workspace Management

About Workspace Management

Matters change over time. Whether it’s a simple matter name change, client name change or a major update to the folder structure and security – CAM provides unified, automated management of all changes and updates. CAM automates workspace generation, updates, and management.

The Workspace Management provides an interface to securely create, manage and update workspaces in iManage and NetDocuments. Office 365, S3, Kira, and HighQ.

Access Workspace Management

  • Log in to CAM and access the Workspace Management screen


Workspace Management Menu

Action Menu Name Description
Directory The Directory tab lists all the workspaces created within the configured external systems for the uploaded jobs.
Jobs The status of all the jobs uploaded and workspaces modified in CAM can be tracked in this tab.
Users and Groups

The Users & Groups tab enables the user to manage users and groups added to the workspaces.

Approvals The Approval tab enables the user to approve and/or track the status of the workspaces submitted for approval.
Administration All features not available from the tabbed interface on the CAM home page are listed in the Administration menu. The following sub-menu options are available in the Administration menu.
External System Configuration The External Systems Configuration screen allows you to configure the settings for external document management systems and collaboration tools that are integrated into CAM.
Template Editor The Template Editor allows the user to create or upload a new template to be applied to your workspace.
Data Uploader Data Uploader is a CAM windows utility to read workspaces, users and groups related data from your on-premises billing or NBI system and upload the information to the CAM cloud for processing.
Log Center The Log center allows the user to access the log files to see all jobs created through the Data Uploader.

Request Workflow Configuration

Allows the user to configure the request worksflow dialog
Bulk Assignment Bulk Assignment allows user to bulk import sites from Kira and High Q.
Upload Users Provision users & groups to the workspaces
Layout Allows you to customize the Directory tab layout and configure the search bar.
Metadata Metadata allows you add metadata and link various data entities.
Settings Allows user to configure options displayed in the Analytics tab.
Background Jobs This page displays a list of all the notification schedules for the Analytics Email.
Data Sync Allows user to set up automatic synchronization rules between iManage and CAM.

Email Template

Allows user to configure the Email/Excel template or Email notifications.


Allows user to download CAM components like Data Uploader, iManage Web Extension, CAM Commands, and CAM Teams App.
Analytics Enables user adoption with comprehensive data visualization, workspace health check reports and ad-hoc DMS reporting.