The following is a guide to configuring and using data uploader. The sections are in the order of the steps to configure.
Note: First run Data Uploader as admin for the first time, then subsequent runs can be with the logged in user account.
Ensure Requirements are met. Requirements can be found here. If using SQL on premise, follow these requirements.
Tip: It recommended to install the Data Uploader on the SQL server where the firm Time & Billing system/NBI application is being run.
Click Close on the Installation Complete pop-up box once it notes DataUploader has been successfully installed.
Note: The Cloud Data Uploader application must be run as Administrator to ensure optimal performance. Cntrl+Shift and right click to run as administrator.
Tip: The latest version of the Data Uploader is always available in CAM. For subsequent upgrades, the Data Installer must be uninstalled and installed again.
Warning: You have to complete the External System Configuration set-up to use the Cloud Data Uploader.
Note: Before you start using the Cloud Data Uploader, you must configure the external systems. Once you successfully complete the initial CAM configuration, you can configure incremental imports on a regular basis to keep CAM synchronized with your billing system.
Tip: See the External System Configuration page for more information to set up the source DMS and map the Metadata.
When the data uploader is accessed for the first time, the CAM Credentials tab on the Cloud Data Uploader window displays. The Cloud Data Uploader requires domain authentication to secure information from the source destination to the target destination.
Type information in the provided fields, based on the table below, then click Authenticate. This is a one-time process only and need not be done for subsequent updates. Re-authentication may be required in case you change your credentials or your access token fails.
Field | Description |
Domain | Enter the domain name that contains the data to be synced to cloud. E.g. Leave off the https:// and the ending / |
Enter your domain email ID. E.g. |
Password |
Enter password for the email specified above that is used to log into CAM. |
Upon successful authentication you will be brought into the Data Uploader page to the Run tab by default. Go to Connection String tab to begin.
Use the following instructions to add a new connection string to connect to the billing database. This will allow the Data Uploader to connect to the SQL Server and execute the queries to upload jobs to CAM. If you run Data Uploader without a connection string, it will return an error.
Type information in the provided fields, based on the table below and click Save. Click Test Connection, to test the connection. If successful, a Valid Connection message is displayed.
Field | Description |
SQL Server Name | The name of the SQL server hosting the billing database. |
Connected System | Shows the connected systems that can be set. Options are Local Sync Database, Source Database, and CAM Local Database. Local Sync is one used for DataSync. Source Database is the external system typically used. CAM local database allows connecting to a CAM local database to use. |
Database |
The name of the database that you created on the SQL server to be used by Data Uploader. |
Authentication |
Choose the type of authentication to be used to connect to the data source database. Options include Windows authentication using the Windows credentials and SQL authentication using specific database-only credentials. |
Username |
Enter the username of the database. (SQL authentication only) |
Password | Enter the password for the username of the database. (SQL authentication only) |
Then continue to the SQL Files tab, to set the sql scripts to run for the uploader process.
Note: Data Uploader also supports configuring to ODBC databases like IBM/DB2. The option for ODBC connection is in External Systems.
If there are multiple sources, you can set multiple connection strings. For this to work, .Net 4.8 or higher is required to be on the system data uploader is installed on.
The setup of the multiple connection strings, differs where the source systems reside. Use one of the following steps below:
Then continue to the SQL Files tab, to set the sql scripts to run for the uploader process.
There is a new ConnectionString.config file, where users can add multiple connection strings, on a file by file basis. This is edited whenever a user adds a new connection string from the Connection Strings tab in the user interface.
This tab helps to schedule the sync CAM data to local database.
Type information in the provided fields, based on the table below and click Save.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
Select Connection String | It will list Connection String that are set in Connection String tabs where connected source is set as 'Local Sync Database'. Choose the connection string to create local data sync. | ||||||||||||
What do you want to sync? |
Select any or all from options provided :
How often do you want to sync? |
Select any one interval options and occurrences.
The SQL Files tab displays the default Data Uploader program folder C:\Program Files(x86)\Prosperoware\DataUploader\sql (this will point to the location where the uploader is installed). Click the link to auto create a SQL folder in this location. This SQL folder will contain all your SQL queries to be executed by the Data Uploader. The Data Uploader will access this folder and execute queries saved here against your on premise database defined in the connection string.
Options to Edit are:
FileName cannot be edited.
Type of the SQL file.
Select if Enabled or not Enabled. If no, the remaining fields do not display. If yes, these fields display:
Run Every: The time period to run the SQL script.
From: The initial date of the full or delta sync.
Start: The start date of the full or delta sync
Once the query is executed, the Data Uploader will create a CSV folder in the default installation location C:\Program Files(x86)\Prosperoware\DataUploader\csv. Each query is returned in the form of a separate CSV file, which is placed by the Data Uploader in this CSV folder. The CSV file is then uploaded to the Jobs tab for further processing. The log details of this uploaded job can be viewed in the Log tab in the Data Uploader.
Note: In order for Data Uploader to be able to create provisioning jobs, a properly configured script to update the matters must exist in the Data Uploader program folder C:\Program Files(x86)\Prosperoware\DataUploader\sql
This feature allows for the validation of the Data Uploader SQL files. It checks the metadata if present in CAM, if the metadata mappings are present, and that the column names are defined. Additionally, if templates are set, it will check that the templates exist in CAM. Users and Groups ACL's are also confirmed to ensure the users and groups exist in CAM.
Click Validate SQL Files from the options menu in the SQL Files tab of Data Uploader.
Any portion of the Validation that fails will have a red X. The particular failed data entries will be in the Application Log of Data Uploader.
The schedule for the queries to be executed can be set on the Run tab. The content from your source database will be automatically updated to CAM as per the frequency defined here. You can set the option to execute the queries Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weeklyor Never (for a manual or one time run).
The table below lists the set up available. The timer is available for each SQl file available. Set the timer and click Save. The Last Run time and the scheduled Next Run time is updated in the tab. You can also click Run Now to execute the job manually.
Timer | Description |
Minutes | The job is executed based on the start time, end time, and the interval in minutes to execute. |
Hourly | The job is executed based on the start time and the time interval defined in hour(s). |
Daily |
The job is executed daily based on the start date, time, and the time interval defined in day(s). |
Weekly |
The job is executed weekly based on the start date, time, the time interval defined in week(s)and the days of the week selected. |
Never | If Never is selected, no options appear below. Click Run Now for this option when ready to run the job. |
The Data Uploader task is also added to the Windows Task Scheduler on the machine where the Data Uploader tool resides, if scheduled for a timeframe. The schedule for the Data Uploader can also be adjusted from the Task Scheduler. The user must have an account with permissions to enable the scheduler task.
Each CSV file will be uploaded one at a time into the Jobs tab to eliminate collisions.
It validates data and configuration files; and provides status.
Any portion of the validation that fails will have a red X. The particular failed data entries will be in the Application Log of Data Uploader.
This will popup a window and provides options to the user to decide which files to run. It allows user to select individual SQL file Or Active Directory Sync.
Select Sql Files or Active Directory or All
If SQL Files is selected, it displays a list of active SQL files with checkboxes.
Click Run, selected files will be executed.
Click the Log tab to view information on the jobs executed in the Data Uploader, including process information and the type of error. The following type of entries are displayed:
The Log has a Filter option that allows you to narrow the entries to a particular set of results.
You can also Export the content of any log to Excel. This can be helpful when contacting Support regarding an issue. Click the Refresh button to refresh the values to show the latest log entry. Click Delete to clear the log.
there is a new queue parameter to re-queue any old jobs. To do this: add/update the CSV parameter of the job CSV to Queue=1 and upload.
To set the Appsettings, follow the below steps.
Open up the AppSettings.config in C:\Program Files (x86)\Prosperoware\Prosperoware Data Uploader\configs file path.
a. Token Endpoint is in Line 3. This sets the api token URL.
b. ClientUI is in Line 4. This sets the s3 UI URL.
c. DocumentAnalysisServiceEndPoint is in Line 5.
d. ShowFileShare is in Line 6. Enable this to true for fileshare integration.
e. SqlFolderPath is in Line 7. If directing to a specific SQL file path to use, set this.
f. CsvFolderPath is in Line 8. If directing to a specific location csv folder, set this.
g. CsvArchiveFolderPath is in Line 9. If using a specific location for archived csv's, set this.
h. CsvDelimiter is in Line 10. Sets if comma separated or tab. For tab it is \t, comma as \c
i. DateFormat is in Line 11. Sets the specific date format to set dates as for the application.
j. ADOption is in Line 12. Sets specific AD options to use.
k. FlatternGroups goes to Line 13. Tells to flatten AD groups or to leave as is.
l. SyncGroups goes to Line 14. Allows syncing AD groups.
m. SupressScriptError goes to Line 15. Script errors will be hidden if set to true. For enhanced diagnostics, set to false.
n. ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri goes to Line 16.
o. CommandTimeOut goes to Line 17. Sets the timeperiod for long running commands to timeout to 600.
p. ArchiveFilesLifeCycle goes to Line 18. Contains the period of time to archive files (e.g csvs) in days.
q. RecordCountLimit goes to Line 19. Sets the maximum record count to 100, to return in a csv.
r. ThreadCount goes to Line 20. Sets the number of threads to use in parallel.
s. Debug is NEW goes to Line 21. Enable this to true for debug.
t. ExportFolderlength goes to Line 22. Set value to 200, to restrict the name of document not more than 200 chars.
u. ExportDocumentlength goes to Line 23. Set value to 200, to restrict the name of folder not more than 200 chars.
v. DomainMachineName goes to Line 24. Used for passing events and eventl logs for AD from the windows domain.
w. SyncNestedUserMembership goes to Line 25. Should nested users be synched?
x. CAMLOCALDB is NEW goes to Line 26, and is not present in the old file. Allows setting db as sql or the default sqllite.
The application configuration can be further edited from the AppSettings.config file in the Data Uploader directory.
To restore a prior configuration: first backup the appsettings.config, then upgrade Data Uploader and restore the config, or copy the configuration to another system.
Click this tab to sync connections to an Active Directory system. Click + Add and provide details in provided fields, based on the table below.
Go to Run Tabs and click Run Now to trigger the AD sync manually.
Note: Syncing will allow the user groups and child user groups to be created on the configured external system in CAM. This will ensure a disabled user in the Active Directory is also disabled in the relevant external system.
click Save.
Note: When creating a workspace in iManage, the Boolean metadata values for the custom fields can only be passed as TRUE/FALSE.
The Prosperoware Cloud Data Uploader allows you to sync and manage your Active Directory users /groups across configured systems. The general workflow to manage AD sync is as follows:
Note: When a user is deleted from AD, on next sync the deleted user information is disabled in the configured external systems. The disabled user information can be tracked for document audit history.
Filtering on the data brought in from Active Directory can be done on the configuration file in Data Uploader. This is so specific users or groups can be included or excluded from the sync. Multiple values are supported, but users cannot add multiple in one configuration.
The configuration for Active Directory lives in the Data.config file in the Prosperoware. Data Uploader folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Prosperoware\Prosperoware Data Uploader\Data.config).
A sample configuration is below for users and groups:
<ad-property name="isHuman" value="TRUE"/>
<ad-property name="name" value="1" operator="%%"/>
<dms-property name="Database" value="database_name"/>
<dms-property name="Role" value="Role_name"/>
<include name="user" value="true"/>
<include name="group" value="true"/>
The out of the box Data.config file for AD can be downloaded here as well.
A list of Active Directory ad-properties and attributes can be found on the Microsoft documentation here.
Data Uploader comes with the ability to sync CAM with an on premise local SQL database. Users may need the CAM data for third party databases like SPM. Additionally this locally stores the uploaded workspace jobs before uploading it to CAM. This enables an efficient Delta upload by allowing Data Uploader to compare the local data for changes and only upload those workspace jobs that really needs to be updated.
Follow the below steps to set this feature up:
Open Data Uploader.
Go to the On Premise Sync tab.
Enter the SQL server name. If it is on the localhost, you can put (local). Enter the Database Name.
On the Trusted Login option, select Yes or no. Yes is if the user will use Windows authentication to connect to SQL.
No lets the user set the UserId and Password.
Click Connect and Create Schema.
This creates the needed schema on the database for the CAM Data Uploader sync(s).
Note: The user permission should have SQL rights to create tables and schema for this.
After the schema is created, set up the sync properties and schedule.
What do you want to sync?
How often do you want to sync?
Note: Logs for Data Uploader are moved to the SQL database and not using SQLLite if on premise is used.
The ad-property imported can be mapped to another property, so that the data comes through as desired.
To set the property mapping:
For example, let's change the email to be the iManage userid and not the userid from Active Directory
The config should be setup like this:
<field adproperty="mail" csvProperty="UserId"/>
<field adproperty="description" csvProperty="DisplayName"/>
<field adproperty="name" csvProperty="groupName"/>
The email is set as the iManage userid, if you Generate CSV from Data Uploader, or run the Data Uploader Sync.
While exporting the document to network path with the option include CSV file, it will export the metadatas selected in the query.
The CSV values are generated according to the config file related to the external system.
Configuration path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Prosperoware\CAM\Data Uploader\service\config
Configure the fields according to the information below:
Sample files are attached:
iManage: IManageDocProperties.config
NetDocs: NetDocsProperties.config
Firms are strongly recommended to move to using an on premise SQL database instead of SQLLite if one or more of the following is true:
This will allow Delta syncs to perform more efficiently as only the necessary workspaces and metadata will be updated.
If the firm is using an on-premise SQL database, these are the requirements necessary: